Coach Everyone
Coaching has become a buzzword and flavour of the month in many modern organisations.
Like many new ideas that gain momentum, after a while organisations accept that they have some type of inherent value.
After the initial momentum of coaching, however, the following questions are now being asked:
What role will coaching play in our organisation and how is it part of our overall people strategy?
Who will do the coaching and with whom?
What coaching models will we create, and what will the central purpose of our organisation’s approach to coaching be?
What are the benefits of coaching, and do these outweigh the significant investment required?
Another main question that organisations are now asking themselves is whether they should use specialist or professional coaches, or whether coaching should be undertaken by the manager.
This is the next question, as clearly professional coaches on the whole have greater training and skill – but most staff want feedback from their manager. Indeed, one of the highest predictors of an engaged, motivated workforce is how well and consistently they are coached.
Coaching for Capabilities
In seeking to help managers start the process of coaching, it is important to understand what the managers are able to coach for and compare this to what you actually need them to coach for.
Most managers are technically able and generally solve problems well and understand the organisation’s strategic imperatives well. They do not, however, have the same depth of knowledge around staff capability and how to develop that capability.
To understand how to develop staff capability and how to develop your manager’s ability to build this, read on and discover OPIC’s coach@work capability system and how it will revolutionise your approach to coaching.